2008 Storm Chaser Convention Pictures

Here are pictures takes from the 10th Annual National Storm Chaser Convention held February 15-17, 2008. Despite chasing since 1998, this was my first convention.  There were about 275 attendees at the conference...and I met way too many new faces to list here.  I had a great time and I hope to see many of  you out on the plains this year.  Some notable events for me were being interviewed by my new friends at SevereStudios and by CBS Channel 5 from Cheyenne, Wyoming.  The SevereStudios interview is on the web. This also marked the official retirement of the TIV1, with the TIV2 being built for the new chase season.

The mountains are visible the first day of the convention.
A very large crowd on hand.
The vendor area.
Sean and Josh make up.
The twin towers surrounding Sean Casey.
One last view of the old TIV.
Inside the Tornado Intercept Vehicle (TIV).
Me standing in the TIV.
Jeanne standing in front of the TIV.
A picture of the Doppler on Wheels (DOW).
The probes that Dr. Wurman puts in the path of tornadoes.
Some clouds moving in at the end of the first day.

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